Thursday, November 4, 2010

Do you have what it takes to be athletes?

As an athlete is not an easy task. During the season there will be discouraged be encouraged, pushed and pulled and compliments, chewed out and pushed their physical and mental limits to the best player will be able to.

Too often, players participate in athletics for the wrong reasons. They come in off season shape, both mentally and physically. Their attitude is pleased and satisfied
to be average. I do not knowwilling to work hard enough to become a champion. And if push comes to shove, that player will be able to rely on themselves, or worse ... disappear in a ball game key.

As an athlete is much more to wear their school colors and a member of the team. It is hard work, dedication, commitment and a sense of pride in yourself and your teammates. The long hours are an athlete takes the stage for a successful future not only in athletics, but in particularLife.

Do you have what it takes to be an athlete? There are several questions you must answer honestly if you are the best you can be in sport and in life.

1. Are you coachable?

You are a student of the game ready to learn what to teach the technical staff? Are you ready to accept criticism, you become a better player or do you "Know It All" attitude? They are committed to improving day by day? Do the best that can bebe able to?

2. If you are willing to implement the practice?

I'm not talking about show and put in your time, but the willingness to work hard
every day. E 'imperative to practice at game speed with the passion that show during the Games. Come early and stay late? Are you ready to help your teammates to be a better player? great athletes are working hard to be great athletes. While there are some athletes who are born with natural ability, mostgreat athletes have worked to achieve their peak performance.

3. Are you a competitor?

If the passion burning in your soul to compete? You want to win, expect to win, and win the job on a daily basis? She refuses to lose the game on the line? Are you ready to step to the plate when it is used to the fact grabbed the rebound, or catch to be made? Does it bother you if you give less than best? And they break your heart when you lose?Philosopher Denis Diderot said, "Only passions, great passions, the soul to ascend to great things."

4. Are you ready to become a victim, the best athlete possible?

Sport is not only competition. This is the preparation. This means a lot of time
in the weight room during the summer months, maintenance therapy with exercise, proper diet and get adequate rest. Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player in modern times, said: "I have always believedthat if you put in the work, the results will come. I do not do things half-heartedly. Because I know when I do, then I can expect results in half. They then approached practices the same way I approached games. You can not turn on and off like a faucet. I could not dog during practice when I needed more thrust at the end of the game, expect to be there. "And professional golfer Seve Ballesteros added:" To have the best chance of playing, your potential, you mustPrepare for all eventualities. This means that practice. "The practice requires sacrifice.

5. If you are willing to work on your weaknesses?

All too often players do not want to waste time on their weaknesses. It 's easier and less painful for the things that work well. But as a player, we're back, because we spend time working on our skills or weak fundamentals are not taken. Remember, the pain temporarily ..... the pride of doing something and it lasts forever.

6. Are you readyto work through adversity?

It is said that adversity breaks some men and others to break records. Lou Holtz, one of the best college football coach in America in the last twenty years, said: "I never get anything without someone over the unknown." Are severely mentally? You can fight back in the face of defeat? It's not whether you kill that counts .... rather, how often you get off the canvas. If you can give your best, you canstart time on the clock, but will never lose.

7. They have the character necessary to become a teacher?

John Wooden said that sports do not build character, they reveal. As an athlete you are
In the eyes of the public. Their behavior, what you say and what you do, makes news. And nothing sells newspapers like bad news. It 's easy to someone, try to find the wrong way. It could be a teammate or friend. Just as it takes years to develop as an athlete, you shouldWork on your character .... one, to develop respect for colleagues and others in your community. It takes determination to resist the temptations out there. A friend of mine, Kevin Wall, uses them every day measuring stick: "I did everything for a while 'today, as some have done for me?" If a person can answer "yes" at the end of the day, then that person had a good day.

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