Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Briancon Citadel in Southern French Alps, an ingenious construction of Monsieur de Vauban

Some specific architecture used in this article:

Facade: Straight wall between two bastions. Known as the walls.

Bastion: projection in the wall of walls, consisting of four walls, the more accessible a garrison to defend the tent close to the ground.

Rivellino: triangular projection allows more defenders to Sally. Access is via the stairs he was hiding. A typical example is seen inTrench along the front of Embrun.

Traverse: protective wall Ravelin to flanking fire.

the trench: counterscarp external perimeter wall of, another part of.

Banquet: step out of earth or stone in the parapet, high enough to allow a defender to help fire up over the ridge. For example, along the front of Embrun.

Redan: gun with two corner walls visible, and the enemy opened aback.
The Briancon Citadel

One can not help but notice the Briançon fortress. Looking at its walls seem to secret passages and strategies to combat imagine. But to fully understand the genius and skill that must be a guide for the construction of walls, guard towers and curtain ravelins need words of everyday life are left.

E 'with lsabelle, curator of the world's cultural heritage that we learn more about the Citadeland his brilliant designer Monsieur de Vauban. She is an expert in the precoat Sebastien de Vauban. A true devotee, speaks with great admiration, as one might speak of a respected friend or relative. "Conic sections Briancon Citadel from a long line of fortifications, designed the architecture over the centuries in this very efficient system of fortification bastion," said the curator.

Weapon revolution and madness of the story to determine theLaws of war war architecture experts are always protected in accordance with what weapons are faced with the design. Until the Middle Ages, they would build high walls are against archers, battering rams and catapults. Metal was introduced in 1480 and made the war a new game. The medieval walls were not strong enough. Italian engineers has found the solution with the invention of the bastion at the beginning of the 16th Century. Out went the round towers and insteadfive-sided building has been popular since it eliminates all blind spots. These bastions dominated European architecture for many years. De Vauban has recovered from this invention and developed to perfection. When he arrived in Briançon in the service of Louis XIV, was already an experienced architect.

In the summer of 1692 Savoy troops allied with the League of Augsburg won France on the pitch Vars. Several cities were taken and plundered. The Duke ofSavoy efforts were stopped by smallpox, but it was Louis XIV, the vulnerability does this mountain border. He immediately sent his best technicians. Vauban Briançon arrived in the fall of 1962. Briançon when he saw it was a citadel, but simply from a medieval design.

The city of Hue de Langrune architect had already drawn up plans for a new bank bastion. The walls were his idea, not Vauban, were these brick walls and simplewithout digging. They have been criticized by Vauban. Vauban took over. He described the setting as follows: "At the meeting point of three main valleys, there are mountains, valleys, clouds and get down into the abyss because this place is just as difficult to attack and defend .." He wrote his report in two days and suggested major changes, this strategic city. He split the defense on two fronts:

the north side and
Embrun front.
Because of the steepSlope of Embrun in front of the ramparts are not very pronounced, and their hips are too narrow to spread efficiently in the artillery. "The high side rail cannon balls fall almost vertically. Vauban, lined with benches along the walls so that front," says Isabelle, a new perspective to give this clever set-up war.

Once on the Champ de Mars, we are the first against the North. It stretches from Redan Pignerol the gate, the entrance closest to the Collegiate Church ItalyChurch Bastion. From this input, you see the wide trench dug by Vauban is situated along the embankment in the middle is a barbican. Look closely, and this triangular projection is obvious. It also has a beam, to protect soldiers from enemy fire. Passing through the door Pinerolo, we realized that this is also built on a barbican, banquets, curtain wall. It 'an unusual irregular trapezoidal shape so that it is covered by Redan Langrune. Without declarations of Isabelle, welose the triangular shape of the lunette. What we thought to be an inexplicable mood Vauban is a testament to the ability to adapt to the ground.

On our left, past the building that the officer and his army men use, there is a small wood and stone aqueduct along the two Redan, which disappears in the wall of the castle. This old canal with water from the Guisane to open channels of Vauban was vulnerable and a well inside the walls.You can continue to distinguish its position in the middle of Place d'Armes. Projects of 1692 and 1700 were not made until after his death.

The old town of Briançon gargoyles

For old gargoyles have to cross a second bridge (once a drawbridge) and objective Pinerolo. Its wooden doors often have nails for reinforcement and under the arch you can see the wooden gate to fall gently, peacefully raisedfor now. The layout of the city has not changed much since he was Vauban and is fun to get lost in the crowd of steep streets. The ramparts offer a clear view of surrounding valleys and the defense system designed by Vauban.

To protect the city, it was fortified by Vauban at the next Summit. Champs de Mars, you can see the fortress Salette on the road to Italy. It is well maintained and well worth a visit. He brought a new twist in the storyVauban back then. Louis XIV, succeeded the Duke of Savoy to convince to leave the League of Augsburg, in exchange for the French Fort Pinerolo. This, in fact, Briançon closer to the border and called for more protection.

Trois Têtes the strong and the bridge were giddy as Asfeld visit projects in twelve days Vauban in 1700 included. can not be pursued through existing funds, but the work has already begun. The Empire had been bled financially by hisKing's war effort continued. The construction of the bridge Asfeld, the Têtes Salette and strongholds had to be postponed after the death of Marshal. "Marshal of Berwick, the room was completed in 1712, while the fortress and bridge Têtes Asfeld have been the marquis Asfeld director general of fortifications, completed in 1730 and 1732 respectively. But if the people of Vauban, or only in Vauban style , still has helped to give a single BriançonIdentity, "he added. Briançon The sergeant was in fact change from one city to market a war city.

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